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(02.03.2005 09:24)
Consider this before you pledge any money. http://www.militaryreporter.org/borisov.html
Slava Borisov pled guilty to the charge (Ms. Todd claimed he pled "no contest") in court. You can call the Paducah, Ky courthouse to find out for yourself.
Bibles are widely available in Russia at a variety of prices, in case you wonder if there are in fact Bibles there. Some people report soldiers actually use Bible pages for toilet paper, as they have surplus of Bibles and no toilet paper.
(30.07.2004 06:59)
looking for video/dvd "code name: General War" Pray all is well with the General
Larry Gronow
(14.03.2004 09:45)
Dear Brother Borisov, Several years ago, I hear your testimony at a church in San Marcos, California. I was very impressed with your message and I am happy that you are my brother in the Lord. May God richly bless you with all spiritual blessings and keep you safe in His Loving Arms. If I ever have the privelage to go to Russia, I would be so glad to see you again. Please remember 1 John 1:9. God's wonderful provision for His children. Your brother in Christ, Larry Gronow
(13.10.2003 09:15)
I do appreciate you coming to our community and talking about a few things, but it would be so much better if you can have facts proving as to what you said, Borisov. You are going around frauding people claiming to be some great person, but yet you are still far away from God, repent General! Orthodox was always open in Russia, yet you persecuted the other denominational people, your new testament "bible" shows to me that you are "Provoslavnij" (Orthodox), the religion that was never oppossed in the Soviet Land. America is great, Very very very easy money for some people!!!!!
Phillip Missick
(13.09.2003 06:06)
Dear General Borisov:
I am so happy that you have continued in the LORD's work and that God is blessing the ministry. May Christ continue to work in and through you. Perhaps my wife and I will be able to meet with you again. You and I exchanged our Military Hats when you were in San Antonio, TX 5-6 years ago. I still have yours. If you remember, I was a Chaplain Major in the US Army.
God Bless and Keep you until He Himself comes!
Lisa Mccranie
(20.02.2003 17:20)
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us at North Walterboro Baptist Church in Walterboro, South Carolina USA. I will never forget to pray for those in your country who suffer, and pray that they will seek Christ and find peace. Your story will always be remembered by myself as well as my children- your signature and medals they got will also remind them to pray for your mission work and your Russia. Keep up the great work for Christ!!!!!!! Lisa
Walter Dirks
(11.02.2003 11:35)
Greetings General Borisov
I photographed and interviewed you for my book about Christians from around the world. We met in Memphis USA with Jon Todd. My book is now finally complete and I will be sending copies to Helen Todd so that you each have a copy.
I trust that God is blessing all you do for Him and pray that you will have good health,peace and joy.
Warm Regards
Gorge aka.Yuri S.
(10.12.2002 22:58)
Ya bac videl zdese v Dulyte v Minnesote mesyatz hazad.Vui builee posclan Bogum.Ya ybereh.Ya khochy pomoch bam bsem.Soobchee.So yvasheniem,Yuri.